The Canadian Academy of Endodontics is the recognized body representing endodontics in Canada. For further information and/or assistance, please contact:
301-400 St. Mary Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3C 4K5
E-mail: [email protected]
Standards of Practice
The Canadian Academy of Endodontics (CAE) has assumed responsibility for providing a “Standards of Practice” document for the discipline of endodontics in Canada. This document is designed to assist the dental profession and the public by providing current information about endodontic therapy and expectations of treatment rendered.
The “CAE Standards of Practice” is an authoritative reference which articulates general guidelines for endodontic treatment classification, treatment procedures, and treatment assessment. This document assists the reader in determining risks of treatment and appropriateness of endodontic treatment in various circumstances, and aids the expert in determining if care provided is appropriate or adequate in comparable circumstances. The underlying principle that transcends these guidelines, including their administration and interpretation, is the respect of the rights of all parties involved. The guidelines are not meant to provide a grading system nor to direct punitive measures[1].
The “CAE Standards of Practice” reflects the opinions and views of provincial representatives and their colleagues, and is consistent with the art and science of endodontics as practised nationally. When this project was initiated in 1992, all provinces with practising endodontists were represented on the Standards of Practice Committee. In addition, input was received from educators, general practitioners, and provincial regulatory bodies.
This document will be reviewed frequently and is open to revision and expansion.
Télécharger les Normes de pratique PDF